Girls just wanna have fun…Weekend Trip

Last weekend was a hoot and full of so many good belly laughs for our Women’s Only Weekend down south.
We met in Busselton to dive the famous Jetty, and while the rain cleared out, we strolled along the jetty with our new friends so explore a nice, easy dive. We all managed to spot cuttlefish, octopus, puffers and rays and some creatures which we later discusses over a few drinks with fish id books and Tammy’s hilarious interpretation of fish id.

Divemaster Mel at the Lena
Later we enjoyed a warm lunch (fish and chips funnily enough) and hung out at the house we had for the weekend and it was a great opportunity to get to know each other.
It was a big weekend for birthdays! We shared Birthday cake (which turned out to be too funny with the uneasy cake tin proving to be difficult) and snacks were shared with a real feeling of sharing and love of cheese.
The next morning we were up early to get ready for our drive to Bunbury to dive The Lena wreck. We were so blessed with perfect weather and on our way, dolphins were jumping in the wake of the boat…its going to be a good dive.
20+m visibility at the Lena wreck and perfect flat ocean. 2 fantastic dives with our new friends exploring the wreck. Sitting nicely at 18m, its such a great dive and when the conditions are this good its easy to see why we love it.
The one big thing I loved about the weekend was not only the great diving and endless amounts of laughter, but was to see all these women divers helping each other and supporting each other. On the dives at The Lena wreck, everyone was helping each other set up gear, taking fins off each other and helping each other wherever then could. It was a small thing that I noticed but a BIG thing to see and it makes my heart so full of warmth and love for what we all are doing to help each other out. So girls…thank you for a wonderful trip.