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PADI Refresher & Reactivate

Quick Details

  • All gear is included
  • Must be a certified divers and Complete a Dive Medical
  • Refresher is for you if your last dive is no more than 2 years
  • ReActivate is for you if you haven’t dived in the last 2 years


Ages 14+

A$ 175

Refresh your scuba skills with our Dive Master

Your scuba certification is valid for life, however, if you stop diving for too long you might forget the essential skills. That’s why we are offering Refresher Course and ReActivate to get you back underwater.

The Refresher Course is a 2-hour session with our PADI Dive Master. We run it after our free club shore dive on the weekend, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have another date in mind. The course will run at one of Perth’s top shore dive sites. During the Refresher course, your Dive Master will conduct a knowledge review and chat with you about the basic rules of scuba diving. You will (re)learn to set your gear and check it before the dive, then you will get into the water to practice your skills and explore a fun ocean dive. Join this course if your last was no more than 2 years.

The ReActicate is a more in depth experience. Upon booking, you will receive your e-learning to refresh the diving theory. No worries, it is short and straight to the point. You will then join the first day of our Standard Open Water Course during the pool session, where you will practice all the essential skills of scuba diving in a controlled, easy and warm environment. At the end of the day, you will get a new PADI e-card. While booking you can choose if you want to join use for more ocean dives. If you haven’t dived in more than 2 years, ReActivate is the way to go.

The PADI ReActivate can be book here.