Quick Details
- Be certified or complete an Open Water Course
- Complete a medical form and have no previous medical history
Dive longer and feel better afterwards!
During your Open Water Course, you have learned that your tank contains normal air made of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. As you know, nitrogen is what limits our bottom time when we are diving and is responsible for decompression sickness. The PADI Nitrox, Enriched Air, or EANx Course teaches you to use gas mix of up to 40% oxygen.
Nitrox is very useful in a lot of situations. For example, if you wish to dive the HMAS Swan, the Nitrox Course is going to extend the amount of time you can spend on the wreck. If you are using normal air, the second dive is generally shortened by 10-15 minutes because of your no-decompression time. Nitrox is also very useful if you are doing a dive holiday and doing multiple dives all week. You will be diving more safely, get more time at depth, and feel less fatigued.
Thanks to the use of Nitrox you will:
- Extend your no-decompression time at depth
- Dive more safely and feel better afterwards